[计] 管理工具;[经] 管理工具;
As a risk measurement and management tool, VaR has been accepted by many financial institutions.
VaR作为 一种被金融以及监管机构广泛接受的风险度量和控制工具, 正好迎合了这种需求.
互联网I have written network switch management tool. Rui Jie switch configuration backup software.
自己编写的网络交换机管理工具. 锐捷交换机配置备份软件.
——期刊摘选You use Key Performance Indicators as a performance management tool, but also as a carrot.
关键业绩指标既是业绩管理工具, 同时也是激励手段.
——期刊摘选As a management tool, it can list goals and ways to measure progress.
作为一种管理工具, 它能够为工作的进程列目标和方法.
互联网The main function of the CMT ( Configuration Management Tool ) and how to install CMT is introduced.
介绍了CMT ( ConfigurationManagementTool ) 的主要功能和安装过程.
互联网Third, the innovation suits our country characteristic the interest rate management tool.
第三, 创新适合我国特色的利率管理工具.
互联网Leaves the informationization management tool, the physical distribution management and the operation validity guaranteed with difficulty.
离开信息化管理手段, 物流管理与运作的有效性难以保证.
互联网Increasing attention has been paid on technology foresight, a new strategy management tool for science development.
互联网It is the absolutely necessarily management tool for modern enterprises.
互联网The Rubik's timer is your complete timing management tool for solving Rubik's cube puzzles.
互联网To be more convenient to use this manager, We also design and implement visual management tool.
为了使用户更好的使用该管理器, 设计并实现了图形化的管理工具.
互联网Indicators of performance: management tool to aid decision - making.
性能指导: 帮助做出决策的管理工具.
互联网As a management tool, it can list goals and ways to measure prog . progress.
作为管理工具, 它可以列出目标以及如何恒量进度.
互联网The forward freight agreement is the most active ocean freight risk management tool.
互联网The concept of controlled - release nitrogen fertilizers ( CRN ) as a nitrogen management tool is not new.
用控释氮肥 ( RN ) 为氮素管理的一项措施已不是新概念.
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